7 days left until the Presidentail election and former President Bill Clinton, fresh from heart surgery, joins John Kerry on the campaign trail. Ahh.......Bill....you remind me of better days when we not only had better economic times, but the President was held to higher standards. Back then a President was impeached for so much as a little 'extra curicular activity' in the oval office. Today a President can do just about anything. For example, a President can invade countries that are, later admittedly, prooven unable to harm us in any way and get at least a thousand Americans killed in the process all in the name of keeping America safe when, in fact, it has made us unsafe. Today a President can run for re-election based soley on a foriegn policy that has alignated both Europe and the Middle East into thinking we are not about spreading freedom, and instead expanding our influence over oil producing areas simply for economic gain. This economic gain can be seen in the falling price of oil........oh wait.......terrorists keep blowing up oil pipelines so now the price of oil is sky high.....opps. Bring back thoughts of a better place Bill, where tuition dosen't go up 10% or more a year, where the economy actually grows jobs, where we actually have friends in the world. Ahhh sweet memories......
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